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web design

ESYO Virtual Concert Hall

  • Position(s): Project Lead, Web Designer

During 2020, Empire State Youth Orchestra (ESYO) was faced with a challenge of going all virtual. As a returning web contractor, I worked with the marketing director, Justin Cook to think about and prototype an all new Virtual Concert Hall. Over the course of a 2020 and 2021, I built the Virtual Concert Hall in Joomla, Yootheme and Javascript to house all of their content, locally on their website. I built spaces for: sponsored content to continue their revenue stream, highlighted videos to spotlight, and full catalogues for archival reasons. All of the virtual concert hall is responsively designed and adapts for any resolution- desktop, tablet, phone or TV.

Solar System Microsite

Solar System

The solar system. The topic I chose for my final for Web Art & Design in 2018.

I started my foundational classes learning the ways to design in a functional and efficient way with HTML and CSS.

Our final project was to make a website in pure HTML & CSS to showcase a topic of our choosing. I had a lot of fun on this project and in many ways spurred me to take interactive experiences through programming. I used Adobe Dreamweaver to develop the website and Photoshop for the graphics.